Choose high-quality and practical UPVC windows

26 Sep, 2023

A high-quality UPVC profile should be a well-designed multi-cavity body with thick walls and a formula that contains anti-aging and moisture-proof additives. From the appearance, it should have a smooth surface and a bluish-white color. Some high-end UPVC profiles are white with medium color. Cyan, this color has good anti-aging properties and will not age, change color or deform after being exposed to wind and sun for 30 to 50 years.
The hardware of high-end UPVC windows is made of metal, and its inherent strength, appearance, and usability directly affect the performance of doors and windows. Many mid- to low-end UPVC windows use plastic hardware, which poses great hidden dangers to their quality and lifespan. When purchasing, check the hardware availability and overall quality.