Things to note when installing plastic steel doors and windows are as follows

20 Sep, 2023

The location of the window frame reinforcement points must be accurate, and the reinforcement method must be correct and firm.
Doors and windows should be handled with care when loading and unloading, and should not be pried, thrown or dropped. Measures should be taken to prevent damage and deformation of door and window components, accessories, materials, etc. used in the installation project during transportation, storage, and construction.
When temporarily fixing, do not blindly tighten wooden wedges and pads, and be careful to prevent door and window frames from deforming.
When filling the gap between the door and window frames and the opening, do not use excessive force to cause the door and window frames to be squeezed and deformed.
The actual measured value of the upper and lower overlap between the window sash and the window frame should meet the design requirements and should not be less than 6mm. The actual measured value of the upper and lower overlap between the door leaf and the door frame should meet the design requirements and should not be less than 8mm.
The sealing strip should have a margin for expansion and contraction, break at a 45-degree slope at the corner, and stick it firmly with adhesive to avoid shrinkage seams.
When installing the sliding brace, the fastening screws must be made of stainless steel. The fastening screws of the plastic steel door and window sliding supports should be reliably connected to the reinforced steel of the frame sash or the partially reinforced steel plate lining, and the connection between the screws and the frame sash should be waterproof and sealed.
Reserve security windows.
If there is a window sill, a water slide (slope >15°) should be built to prevent water seepage.
Please install plastic steel doors and windows at appropriate locations, and make sure the doors and windows are stable to prevent safety accidents.