Types of UPVC windows can be divided into the following categories based on different features and functions:

7 Oct, 2023

According to the opening method, it can be divided into fixed windows, top-hung windows, center-hung windows, bottom-hung windows, vertical rotating windows, casement doors and windows, pulley casement windows, pulley windows, casement bottom-hung doors and windows, sliding doors and windows, and push-pull casement windows. Windows, folding doors, floor spring doors, lifting sliding doors, sliding folding doors, inward sliding doors, etc.
According to performance, they can be divided into ordinary doors and windows, sound insulation doors and windows, thermal insulation doors and windows, etc.
According to the application site, it can be divided into interior doors and windows and exterior doors and windows.
The above are the basic classifications of UPVC windows. Different types of windows have different characteristics and uses. When choosing windows, you need to choose the appropriate window type according to the specific situation