Different Kinds of Aluminium Windows

6 Sep, 2019

Different Kinds of Aluminium Windows

Aluminum alloy doors and windows refer to aluminum alloy doors and windows, referred to as aluminum doors and windows, which are made of aluminum alloy extruded profiles for frames, rafts and fan materials. Aluminum alloy doors and windows include aluminum alloy as the force-bearing rod (the rod that bears and transmits the self-weight and load) and the wood and plastic composite doors and windows, referred to as aluminum-wood composite doors and windows, aluminum-plastic composite doors and windows.
Aluminium Windows
The quality of aluminum  windows can be judged from the selection of raw materials (aluminum profiles), the surface treatment of aluminum materials and the quality of internal processing, and the price of aluminum alloy doors and windows.

The Aluminium  windows types

Casement Windows

The advantage of the casement alumium window is that the opening area is large, the ventilation is good, the sealing is good, and the sound insulation, heat preservation and impermeability are excellent. The inner opening type of window cleaning is convenient; the outer opening type does not occupy space when opened. The disadvantage is that the window width is small and the field of view is not wide. The opening of the outer window should occupy a space outside the wall, which is easy to be damaged when the wind is blown; and the inner opening window is to occupy part of the room, and it is not convenient to use the screen window. It is also convenient to use the screen window and the curtain when opening the window. If the quality is not good, it may also seep.

Aluminium Windows

Sliding Windows

The advantages of sliding window are simple and beautiful, large window width, large glass block, wide field of view, high light extraction rate, convenient glass cleaning, flexible use, safe and reliable, long service life, opening in one plane, occupying less space, convenient for installing screens. Wait. At present, the most used is the sliding window. The disadvantage is that the two windows can not be opened at the same time, can only open at most half, the ventilation is relatively poor; sometimes the sealing is also slightly worse. Sliding window: two sides, up and down, push and pull. The sliding window has the advantage of not occupying the indoor space, and the appearance is beautiful, the price is economical, and the sealing is good. With high-grade slide rails, you can push it flexibly. With large pieces of glass, it not only increases indoor lighting, but also improves the overall shape of the building. The sash is in a good state of stress and is not easily damaged, but the ventilation area is limited.

Aluminium Windows

Hinging Windows

The upper hanging window is an aluminum alloy steel window that appeared later. It is a new form developed on the basis of the casement window. It has two ways to open it, either flat or push it from the top. When the casement window is closed, the upper part of the window is pulled inward to open a gap of about ten centimeters, that is, the window can be opened from above, the open part is suspended in the air, and the window frame is fixed by a hinge or the like, so It is called the overhang type. Its advantages are: it can be ventilated and it can be safe. Because of the hinge, the window can only open a ten-centimeter seam, and it can’t be reached from the outside. It is especially suitable for use when no one is at home. The function is not limited to the flat open window, and the sliding window can also be opened up.

Aluminium Windows